What to Expect
Sports massage uses finely tuned techniques to treat your pet. These techniques include using a variety of different strokes while also treating acupressure points in areas where your pet has reactions. Doing so will release the tension and the muscle fibers.
It should be kept in mind that all animals are different. Some animals might show results more quickly from a massage than others, this is completely normal. If you have any questions, you can always call and I am more than willing to put your mind at ease.
Just like in human deep tissue massage, it should be expected that your pet may be sore for a day or two following their massage. In order to help his process, it is recommended that you should hand walk your horse or dog for at least 5-10 minutes directly following the massage. This will help them stretch out and can decrease the likeliness of soreness.
Overall, you should expect your animal to give you tons of love and kisses thanking you for their massage!